BALLS OF GIFT ACCORDING TO AMOUNT OF THE ORDER Procedure of the promotion:1- 1-The balls of gift always will be of the products that have a maximum cost of 1,99 € each one. 2- 2-In no case, will be able to be exchanged by others of top cost. 3- 3-you can choose when the order realizes, in the paragraph of " comments on his order ", if it is not like that, we will send those that we believe opportunely, without possibility of change. This promotion, it will not be annulled by another type of offer, unless it is specified expressly. Balls of gift:1- superior Orders to 35 € … … … … … .. 2 balls (of maximum cost 1,90 € each one) 2- superior Orders to 45 € … … … … …. 3 balls (of maximum cost 1,90 € each one) 3- superior Orders to 55 € … … … … …. 4 balls (of maximum cost 1,90 € each one) 4- superior Orders to 65 € … … … … …. 5 balls (of maximum cost 1,90 € each one) 5- superior Orders to 100 € … … … … .. 9 balls (of maximum cost 1,90 € each one) 6- superior Orders to 150 € … … … … ... 15 balls (of maximum cost 1,90 € each one) -------------------------------- Cost of the transport:1-PENINSULA: Orders up to 60 € included VAT 6 € Orders from 60,01 € included VAT 0 € (gratis) 2- BALEARES AND PORTUGAL: Pedidos hasta 60 € a 10,00 € Pedidos a partir de 60,10 €, 0€ (gratis) 3- CANARIAS, CEUTA, MELILLA, ANDORRA (Mediante Correos): Todos los pedidos 35 € mediante Correos. 4-EUROPEAN UNION (by means of Post office): Orders up to 150 € (included VAT) 25 € Orders from 150,01 € (included VAT) 45 € 5-AMERICA: Orders up to 149,99 € 35 € Orders from 150 €, 50 € 6-ASIA Orders up to 149,99 € 35 € Orders from 150 €, 50 € The postage and handling includes the handling charges and packaging, as well as the postal expenses. GENERAL 1-to begin, pulsates in " initiating session " and if it is not still registered, be going in to " TO CREATE AN ACCOUNT ", put his e-mail and pulsate in " CREATING AN ACCOUNT ". Another screen will be opened in the one that will have to put his information and choose one against sign, we recommend to him to make one easy to remember. 2-When his 1 realizes ª purchase, it will be when there are asked him the information of his direction, telephone, ID card etc. 3-Remember that it can put several directions, for example, one of sending and other one of turnover, or you change of sending, for if it wants to change the direction of sending of the order into some occasion. 4-Go on to the purchase, choosing the products that it wants to buy. It can accede to the complete catalogue, pulsating on's logo, which is initially of the Web, or choosing someone of the categories, " Winter, Summer …. ", in whose case, only there will go out for him on screen the products belonging to the above mentioned category. 5-Example: if 1 ball of the color wants to buy 500 whitly of Show, search on the principal screen or in Winter, the photo of the GALA, a screen will be opened him by an explanation on this article and below, all the available colors of SHOW. On having spent the mouse over the color that Vd. wants to buy, pulsating in the top part of the photo, or in "MORE", the card of the product will be opened him by explanations and photos. If it pulsates in " RAPID SIGHT ", a more limited screen will be opened and from where also it will be able to add the product to the cart, and if it pulsates in " ADDING TO THE CART ", the product goes directly to the cart. 6-When it has chosen all his products, pulsate " TO GO TO BOX ", or also "TO "CONFIRM" in the eyelash of "CART" that it can see permanently in the top right part of the screen. Him the screen will appear with the products that it has chosen and the summary of the amount, from right here, it can modify the quantity that it has chosen. If it seems to him to be correct, pulsate " TO GO TO BOX " 7-The following screen, it contains the directions, can choose between that it has reported and to change them, so much for sending as turnover, or to add new other one. Also a box goes out for him with " If it wants to do a comment on his order, write it later. " Where it can annotate any detail that wants on his order. When it finishes pulsate " TO HAPPEN FOR A BOX " 8-The following screen is that of the transport, him the different possibilities will appear to realize his sending and the cost, choose one. In the low part, it will have to mark the cabin of " I have read and accept the general conditions of sale. General conditions of sale " 9-The following screen is the one that it informs about the total amount of the order, with included transport, and the forms of payment, it will have to choose one. Remember that, if it chooses the payment by means of against I reimburse, that is to say paying it in the moment of the delivery (in the zones where this system of payment is enabled), it has a surcharge, which will work out indicated in the Web. |
10-Systems of payment: to - I Pay for bank transfer, if it uses this system, his order will be sent when we receive the payment. When it confirms the order, the information is given him to be able to realize the payment. This system of payment is alone valid for countries of the European community. B - I Pay with card of credit, system TPV of the Bank Sabadell. c - Payment by means of PayPal d - Payment by means of against reimbursement East system of payment will be valid only for Peninsular Spain and Balearics and it has a surcharge.
11-Once chosen the system of payment, his order comes to us and is prepared and 24 are sent in the first ones h. (Without counting bank holidays), it having to receive Vd. in the following ones 24 ó 48 hours. It will be always informed, by means of messages to his e-mail and will be able to do the follow-up of his sending, so much in his client's card, consulting his orders, since in the Web of the transporter, in the case that of this information.
12-I ANNEX TO THE SYSTEM OF PAYMENT WITH CARD You will Be able to pay your purchases with your card of credit or debit (Visa, MasterCard and American Express), transfer or PayPal. The payments will have to be effected in Euros. For the payments with card of credit or debit, the post will be realized on-line, that is to say, real time, across the gangplank of payment of the corresponding financial institution, once there has been verified that the communicated information is correct. With the aim to give the maximum safety to the system of payment, HILATURAS LM, S.L. uses systems of financial institutions' sure payment of the first line in electronic commerce. In this respect, the confidential information of the payment is transmitted directly and of encrypted form (SSL) to the corresponding financial institution. For the payment with cards Visa and MasterCard, HILATURAS LM, S.L. only gently accepted transactions CES (Electronic Sure Trade) with the international protocol 3D Secure that distinguishes for the badges Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode. The Electronic Sure Trade is an initiative which basic beginning is to guarantee the safety in the transactions for Internet. On having realized the payment across the sure gangplank of payment, the system will check automatically that the credit card is activated for Electronic Sure Trade. Later, it will connect with the issuing bank of the same one, Which will request that it authorizes the operation by means of a personal code of authentication. The operation only will be effected if the issuing bank of the credit card confirms the code of authentication. In opposite case, the transaction will be rejected. As auxiliary measure to the system of " Sure payment " and with the aim to collaborate in the prevention of the fraud across Internet, HILATURAS LM, reserves the right to check the personal information supplied by the client and to adopt the measures that he considers opportune (included the cancellation of the order) in order that the acquired goods are delivered of conformity by the information that appear in the order TAXES applicable places with regard to any article that he buys in HILATURAS's virtual shop LM, S.L. The orders for Ceuta, Melilla, Canary Isles and countries not belonging to the European Union and rest of the world are subject to customs expenses on which HILATURAS LM S.L. does not have any control and of which HILATURAS LM, S.L. does not become a person in charge in any case. The above mentioned payment always will correspond to the addressee of the goods or buying, before realizing his purchase we recommend to him to consult with his office of customs to obtain more detailed information in the matter. Residents in the European Union. The prices of the products that they find to the sale in our shops of electronic commerce include the Tax of Added value (I.V.A.) in the summary that it will see for screen and in the invoice that will receive close to his order, it will go out separately, being the total the same one. Residents in countries extracomunitarios. The purchases that there realize natural or juridical resident persons in countries extracomunitarios will be exempt from the payment of the VAT. Orders will not be served in P.O. boxes. For this system of purchase / sending and due to his fiscal regime, are considered to be territories Extracomunitarios the geographical areas corresponding to Canaries, Ceuta and Melilla. We you remember that in the prices indicated for the postage and handling there are not included the taxes (duties) of import, which will be paid in metal-worker in destination for the recipient of the goods. Though the sending to Canaries, Ceuta and Melilla, in the expenses of transport, if there is included the cost of the DUA, obligatory in these communities. INFORMATION OF THE CLIENT to realize your purchases in our shops or to accede to certain services, you will have to register your personal information and choose a password that it will allow you to accede to the service of purchase, obtaining thus your user's own account. This will prevent you, from now on, from having to return to complete them. In the moment in which you register in our sure servant or fulfil an order, your personal, domiciliary information, and the relative ones to his form of payment, they are incorporated into our database, being in use for proceeding only with the order, As well as to send information about offers and services that could ensue from your interest. At any time you will be able to modify the information of your client's record (I change domicile, telephone ...) or requests us the follow-up of your password if you have forgotten her. It is important that the information is correct and that you include a mobile phone, in which you will receive a SMS with the follow-up of the sending. In conformity with our Politics of privacy, which is accepted by the user, in HILATURAS LM, S.L. we are specially interested in offering the highest level of safety to our clients and protecting the confidentiality of the information that contribute us. For it, the commercial transactions are realized in an environment of sure servant under protocol SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and all the communications transmit encrypted, that assures the major level of protection to the communications. As it consists in the Politics of privacy, in fulfillment of arranged in the Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, of Protection of Information of Personal Character, as client of HILATURAS LM, S.L. it will be able to exercise at all time the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition. |